Those Who Have Known Grief:
The family of Don Gidley
The family of Don Gidley
Health Concerns and Homebound:
Leo Adams
Aidan Aldridge
Price Allen
Vince Barbera
Charley & Shelley Belden
Irene Bland
Sharon Brower
Mary & Max Cain
Bill Clyde*
David Coffey*
John Collier
Alan Delafield
Jenny DeLarrea
Callen Fowler
Jean & Joe Gross
Ed Herbold
Ralph Hernando*
DeeDee Hutton
Roger Lunke
Kally Moyer
Debbie McBride
Susan Miller
Paul Wayne Noel
Lyle Pettit
Nancy Phillips
Betty Pomeroy
Verna Quaranto
Javier Ramirez*
Beverly Reece
Cynthia & Roy Riewe
Carol Sheldon
Bob Shultz
Don Smith
Shelley Sproull
Kole Steubing*
Faith Stround*
Suzan Taff
Jan Talboys
Melissa Tijerina
Lilia & Renoir Victoria
Jeannette Williamson
Peter Wolverton
Ed Woods
Pat Zimmerman
Leo Adams
Aidan Aldridge
Price Allen
Vince Barbera
Charley & Shelley Belden
Irene Bland
Sharon Brower
Mary & Max Cain
Bill Clyde*
David Coffey*
John Collier
Alan Delafield
Jenny DeLarrea
Callen Fowler
Jean & Joe Gross
Ed Herbold
Ralph Hernando*
DeeDee Hutton
Roger Lunke
Kally Moyer
Debbie McBride
Susan Miller
Paul Wayne Noel
Lyle Pettit
Nancy Phillips
Betty Pomeroy
Verna Quaranto
Javier Ramirez*
Beverly Reece
Cynthia & Roy Riewe
Carol Sheldon
Bob Shultz
Don Smith
Shelley Sproull
Kole Steubing*
Faith Stround*
Suzan Taff
Jan Talboys
Melissa Tijerina
Lilia & Renoir Victoria
Jeannette Williamson
Peter Wolverton
Ed Woods
Pat Zimmerman