The North and South Campus of University is divided into 4 buildings, Central, West, McCreless & North. You will know what building your event is in based on the letter in front of the room number. Below is a campus map to help you find your way to the entrance closest to your event. Parking is available on both sides of our campus and you will have access to our skybridge if you are unable to park on the side of campus where your event is taking place. If you have any questions about where to go please contact us at Info@UniversitySATX.Org.
South Campus Entrances:
Atrium Entrance: Atrium, Kids Ministry, Nursery, Recital Hall, McCreless Gym & University Memorial Garden
Day School Entrance: Day School Classes
Main Office Entrance: Main Office, John Wesley Room, McCreless Gym & The Loft
Sanctuary Entrance: Sanctuary & Traditional Worship
Day School Entrance: Day School Classes
Main Office Entrance: Main Office, John Wesley Room, McCreless Gym & The Loft
Sanctuary Entrance: Sanctuary & Traditional Worship
North Campus Entrances:
Café Entrance: Café, Student Worship Center, Student Ministry & Believer's Garden Worship
Worship Center: Worship Center, North Gym, Recreation & Modern Worship
Worship Center: Worship Center, North Gym, Recreation & Modern Worship