Small Groups
Small Groups offer an opportunity to connect with people, grow spiritually, and support one another through life’s journeys. These groups meet for 9 months at a time and are centered around the preaching series at University. Whether you're new to the church or a long-time member, everyone is welcome to participate.
Becoming a member at University is a big step that requires an intentional commitment on your part, but we make the process easy. Although making your vows of membership is the only requirement to join the church, we believe that learning more about the commitment you’re making is vital to your presence here at University. You can do that by attending our Connection Class, which is held once every other month and is led by Pastor Parker Zimmerman. Check out the Events Page for the next Connection Class.

Baptism is a powerful sacrament by which God claims us as his child and promises to be our God, washes us clean as the sign of his acceptance of us and welcomes us into the family of Christ that is the Church. At University, we take baptism seriously. It is not something to be entered into lightly or without careful consideration. As Methodists we celebrate baptisms of infants, children and adults. If you are an adult seeking baptism for yourself, you are invited to come forward during the invitation at one of our worship services, or make an appointment to speak with a pastor to learn more about baptism.
In infant or child baptism, the parents of the child are making promises on their behalf – promising to raise them in the church and help prepare them for the day they will make their own decision to follow Christ as Lord and Savior. Therefore, we do everything we can to ensure our parents understand the depth and meaning of the sacrament of baptism. Email Elizabeth Mooy-Fink to schedule an appointment with one of our pastors.
In infant or child baptism, the parents of the child are making promises on their behalf – promising to raise them in the church and help prepare them for the day they will make their own decision to follow Christ as Lord and Savior. Therefore, we do everything we can to ensure our parents understand the depth and meaning of the sacrament of baptism. Email Elizabeth Mooy-Fink to schedule an appointment with one of our pastors.