A Body Broken Podcast Trailer

Jul 29, 2021

Intimate partner violence is a serious issue in our city and our world, and it deserves our attention. Join Rev. Denise Barker and Rev. Becca McNitzky of Magdalena House for a 4-week series of conversations around the issues of intimate partner violence and the Church. Each Thursday in August, we will release a new podcast exploring intimate partner violence through a different aspect of the Wesleyan quadrilateral. We will ask: how has scripture, tradition, reason, and experience spoken to the issue of violence against women?

With podcasts released each Thursday in August, we will host a Zoom discussion group the following Wednesday at noon to delve deeper into the topic. These conversations will be largely discussion-led, with the podcast as the jumping-off point. We hope to hear from you about how this pressing issue affects your faith and your churches. To join the Zoom click the link above or use Meeting ID 879 1832 7550 and Passcode: 996493. The live Zoom discussions will occur on August 11, 18, 25, and September 1. We hope you’ll join us!